Learn KP Astrology Online From The Best Vedic Astrologer in India

KP Astrology Online Course: Namaste to everyone. Vedic Astrology is an ocean full of information and secrets. Only the one who is curious, dedicated and the patient can learn the art of Vedic astrology. Krishnamurti Paddhati or KP astrology is one of the Vedic astrology systems which is uncomplicated and indubitable.

Many Vedic astrologers in India, including me, find K.P astrology to be convenient and applicable. Obviously, we all want an accurate prediction of any given event, so K.P astrology is the quintessential system that helps to achieve that in no time. The system was formulated by late Professor K. S. Krishnamurti to help astrologers make correct predictions effortlessly.

If you want to learn the art of K.P Astrology, then do not miss the webinar being conducted from 1st February 2020, where you will become masters of this amazing technique. The entire online class would be conducted in Hindi, so that language does not become the barrier while learning. Dr. Uttara Sharma, one of the best K.P and Vedic Astrologers in India will be imparting lessons on Learn KP Astrology Online From The Best Vedic Astrologer in IndiaLearn KP Astrology Online From The Best Vedic Astrologer in India.

Learn KP Astrology Online From The Best Vedic Astrologer in India

Dear learners, it’s time to understand the syllabus of K.P Astrology’s online course. In the course, you will be taught the following things:

• Importance of K. P. Astrology
• Division of Nakshatras
• Calculation of sub-lords
• Making KP horary number table (1-249 tables)
• Discussion on sub-lord theory
• Differences and similarities between K. P. Nirayana chart and Bhav Chart
• Significators of the Houses
• Significators of the Planets
• Vimshottari Dasha system in K. P Astrology
• Lesson on ruling planets
• Basic concepts of prediction
• use of sub-lords in K.P Astrology

  • importance of nakshatra lords
  • relations between cusp and planets and their significations
  • use of house significations.

The online course will be completely conducted through zoom and timings are from 10 AM to 12 PM (Indian Standard Time), hence the duration of the class is just two hours! The best thing is that it is on Sunday so there’s no question of being busy on the day! After the course gets over, all attendees will be provided with the class recordings and pdf document through an e-mail so that you can always go through them whenever you desire.

How to avail of this course? It’s as simple as K.P Astrology, just visit my Courses Page, add the preferred course to your cart and make an online payment! You can also opt for the upcoming Yogini Dasha Workshop to quench your thirst for knowledge.