Competitive Exams And Your Horoscopes
Phaldeepika in Chapter 6, Shloka 26 states that
शुक्रवाक्पतिसुधाकरात्मजै: केन्द्रकॊणसहितैर्द्वितीयगै: ।
स्वॊच्चमित्रभवनेषु वाक्पतौ वीर्यगॆ सति सरस्वतीरिता ॥
निष्णात कविताप्रबंधरचनाशास्त्रार्थपारंगत ।
कीर्त्याक्रांतजगत्त्रयोतिधनिको दारात्मजैरन्वित:
स्यात् सारस्वतयोगजो नृपवरै: संपूजितो भाग्यवान् ॥
When Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus are sitting in Kendra (quadrant) or Trikona (trine) houses, or in the second house and Jupiter being in their own or friend sign or exalted sign, Saraswati Yoga is formed.
Here, Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus are natural benefic planets; Kendra houses (1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th houses) and Trikona houses (1st, 5th, and 9th houses) are treated as very auspicious houses.
Mercury is the karaka for young children, education, intelligence, communication, Mathematics, language, skills, learning, etc.
Jupiter is the karaka for Guru, knowledge, learning, fortune, dharma, teaching, satwik characters, memory, etc.
Venus is the karaka for teachers, arts, music, dance, creativity, attractiveness, etc.
The person with Saraswati yoga will be highly intelligent, very wise and learned, is well versed in prose, drama, poetry, skilled in mathematics, literature, writing, poetry, music, dance, will be very famous, fortunate, wealthy, and revered by the kings and governments. He will become an expert in any of the above fields and earn huge names and fame.
Houses to be examined
Houses for Examinations – 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 9th, 11th
2nd House – 2nd House represents Education, wealth, prosperity, morals, ethics, administrative powers, and memory.
3rd House – 3rd House represents our writing abilities, courage, ability to put in hard work, and our oratory skills.
6th House – 6th House represents our ability to compete and win in a competition.
9th House – 9th House is the House of higher studies and teachers. It also relates to our ability to process information.
11th House – 11th House relates to the fulfillment of our wishes.
The House related to Examinations for Jobs
If for Job – 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 10th, 11th
2nd House – 2nd House represents Education, wealth, prosperity, morals, ethics, administrative powers, and memory.
3rd House – 3rd House represents our writing abilities, courage, ability to put in hard work, and our oratory skills.
6th House – 6th House represents our ability to compete and win in a competition.
10th House – 10th House is the House of job prospects and our ability to work harder.
11th House – 11th House relates to the fulfillment of our wishes.
When we take into account the Saraswati Yoga, in this case, Jupiter is Exalted albeit retrograde. Mercury is in the Lagna and is Digbali and is also the 9th Lord. Venus is the Yoga Karaka for this Lagna and both Mercury and Venus aspect and is aspected by Retrograde Jupiter.
The native has always passed in all his competitive exams with flying colors even though he started working at a very young age and was doing his studies while doing part-time jobs.
Now, when we check the houses of education and examination, we see a strong connection between the 2nd Lord and 3rd Lord. 6th Lord is digbali so it provides a lot of strength to the House. 10th Lord is posited in the Lagna and aspected by Jupiter and the 11th Lord is placed in the 9th House, a very favorable position for it.
Subhash Chandra Bose was a martyr and a staunch freedom fighter. That is a fact that we all know. What we do not know is that Bose left India in 1919 for England with a promise to his father that he would appear in the Indian Civil Services (ICS) examination. He went to study in Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge and matriculated on 19 November 1919. He came fourth in the ICS examination and was selected, but he did not want to work under an alien government which would mean serving the British. As he stood on the verge of taking the plunge by resigning from the Indian Civil Service in 1921, he wrote to his elder brother Sarat Chandra Bose: “Only on the soil of sacrifice and suffering can we raise our national edifice.”
In the chart of Subhash Chandra Bose BC that Jupiter The Lord of the 9th house is retrograde that gets strength by way of chestabali in the 5th house and is sitting in the sign of Leo which is the Rashi of a friend. Additionally, we see that Mercury is the Lord of the 3rd and the 6th houses and is placed in the tent house with V lord that is Sun and hence gains a lot of strength. Venus the Lord of the 2nd house of wealth and education is aspected by Jupiter and also aspects Jupiter. Mercury as the retrograde Lord also gets a great strength.
Even if we do not have these Yogas in our Chart, we can get our Mars which is the Karaka for 3rd house and 6th House and represents ink and is also the karaka of the much-needed courage to maintain a cool head in the exams working good and easy by writing out answers in red ink.
Mercury, the young prince can practice vocally details as many times as possible as it is karaka of multiplicity and also the ruler of dual houses.
Finally, do not forget to take the blessing of your teachers and elders thus satisfying your Jupiter and Venus.
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